Sunday, September 21, 2003

Rice vs Bread

Are Asians always Asians? No matter how open-minded they are, can they be westernised? In any Western countries, women are so independent. They can live without men, as in a husband. They can be in their 30s even 40s, and still be single and go around sleeping around and still be accepted by others. Can we do it in our country? Can people accept it?

People will start calling you slut, bitches behind your back. Are they saying this because they envy? Or they just say to make them look good because they do not have the courage to do so? Do they really dont want to sleep around or are they just afraid what people would say bout them?

Dont get me wrong, I am not a person who will go sleeping around with anyone. I am just curious why is there such a big culture difference between these countries....

Back to the matter, how many women out there dare to stand and tell their partners what they want? They only sit in silence thinking that is the best way out. Everyone knows in a relationship the most important thing is communication. And yet, people still sit and keep quiet.

Do men ever care what women want?

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