Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The 5th time

It has been raining a lot these days. Too much that it caused too many landslides, accidents and deaths. At times, I would rather not read the newspaper, rather not listen to the radio or watch the tv for news... It's too sad.

Anyway, it has been raining a lot and here I am seated in front of the computer not knowing what I should write. When I have totally gotten LOL out of my mind, there is nothing more to write about? That is hillarious. Is this blog really for unhappy stuffs only?

Cant I just blog about how great yesterday's massage was? Cant I just mentioned how sweet my dear boy is? Cant I just tell you all how mischevious my little girl is? Cant I just say how wonderful my life is now?

It's funny... really. In fact this is the 5th time I logged on and finally wrote something. For the past 4 times, I have actually signed in, hands on the keyboard - but ended up with a blank page. Logged off and continued with something else.

This morning while driving to work, I heard on the radio - divorce was the topic. And there were far too many callers. Why is this so? Why is it that everyone choose divorce over solving the problem? And to my surprise, the majority of people initiating divorce are wives. I guessed it's because women these days are more independant. They dont need men, they are able to support themselves. The new aged women believe in equal rights. I had the same thought. I wish I had the courage to stand up and tell him what I wanted.

But now, I am kind of happy that I didnt make such move...

1 comment:

uno said...

Hey..great!! The blog should be a place where you can write down about things that u want to talk to your friend. Go ahead.. blog about the massage, your kid..everything!!!

And btw, great to know that you went for a massage.

I guess, you did the right thing.. Your life is not just about Mr. since this life is giving you all the happiness, why worry abt it.. go ahead enjoy