Saturday, October 25, 2003

Love in Marriage

Is it true when they say the one you marry isnt the one you love most... Can love last forever in a marriage? Well, I wouldnt say it's 100% a NO, but most of the time it's true. No matter how much in love you were when you got married, the love will sooner or later fade off. It's really not easy for 2 people to live together and accept each others flaws. Although, if they can, for how long?

Love & marriage are two different things. Can you leave everything behind you and be with the one you love and not care if others object to it? Sometimes there really isnt much to choose. Someone told me once before, when it comes to love, follow your heart not your mind. But does it apply to marriage? When it comes to marriage, should you follow your heart or your head? Does it makes any difference?

Love is blind, love is directionless? It's a feeling so strong that people can be blinded. It's a feeling that lead you do things you might never dare to do. Even sacrifice.

What's marriage? One word explains all, RESPONSIBILITY. It's no more about feeling. Everything done must be rasional. Whatever it is, you must think of the consequences. Not only the husband & wife, but the in-laws, parents... the world at large!

In a marriage, love will die off no matter how loving it was before...

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Marriage & Divorce

Marriage & Divorce, is it the same as dating & breaking up? Well, it's the same, just an additional paper with both your signatures on it. The divorce rates are flying high nowadays. Why is it so? What does this show? People are becoming more independent? Or is it the fact that people marry too early?

What is it in a marriage? 2 people living together, having babies, starting a family? Well, I dont think it's a 2 people thing, it's the whole family matter. It comes in a package, The In-Laws. How does a person determine the right time to take a further step? When there is nothing else to look to in a relationship? Or when all others are doing it, so you join the crowd? People dont tend to take this seriously. Once stepped into this stage, there is no going back. Well there is, divorce is the only way out. Ane there is no more being single, it would be divorced. Is that bad? Sometimes I wondered are we programmed? Born, walk run school college uni date married pregnant die.... Are there anything else? Is divorce a part of it?

Is divorce the right way out of a marriage? Isnt there another way? Why is it that during any argument, the first thing that comes into mind is divorce? cant they just sit and find a better solution? Can you pack your bag and just leave like that? Can you handle the pressure around you? It's such a common thing in life and yet most of us think that it is something so big, that they think twice, three four times before doing it. Out of 10 marriage, 5 ends up in a divorce. But, how do you know when it's the right time? Some people are better with the 2nd marriage, but what happens to those who are unlucky? They might end up in 3rd, 4th, 5th marriage?? Or even never lucky in any marriage at all....

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Single White Female

How long can a woman stay single? Is there a limit? What does it takes to stay single? Is it better to marry someone you are not happy with than to stay single? Well I guess being single is good in a way. But it's definately not easy. You have to support yourself which I think most women are capable now. At least you can have all the time that you want. Be with whoever you want. Another thing to be singel is confidence. You hav to have high self esteem.

You must let others know it's you who chose to be single, rather than giving the impression that nobody wants you. It does makes a huge difference. Why is it that people tend to judge women who are single? Whereas when a man is single, they are eligible bachelor. Is there any sexual equality?

If being single is so good, why is everyone married?The fear of being alone? Companionship? Sometimes, you do need someone next to you, to cuddle & to love.

I guess in life there are no right or wrong in life. It all depends on individual. Those who are single wants someone to be with, those who are attached would rather be alone. In this real world, there will never be satisfaction for one person. So just live life to the fullest...

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Rice vs Bread

Are Asians always Asians? No matter how open-minded they are, can they be westernised? In any Western countries, women are so independent. They can live without men, as in a husband. They can be in their 30s even 40s, and still be single and go around sleeping around and still be accepted by others. Can we do it in our country? Can people accept it?

People will start calling you slut, bitches behind your back. Are they saying this because they envy? Or they just say to make them look good because they do not have the courage to do so? Do they really dont want to sleep around or are they just afraid what people would say bout them?

Dont get me wrong, I am not a person who will go sleeping around with anyone. I am just curious why is there such a big culture difference between these countries....

Back to the matter, how many women out there dare to stand and tell their partners what they want? They only sit in silence thinking that is the best way out. Everyone knows in a relationship the most important thing is communication. And yet, people still sit and keep quiet.

Do men ever care what women want?