Friday, February 17, 2006


Just the other day I got an sms from Gina. She told me that she is in a dilemma. Well, after talking to her for an hour, she really is. She is going out with a woman's husband. I will call him D. According to her, D's wife has moved out of the house and apparently D has brought the whole family to a disagreement.

I remembered 2 months ago when she called telling me about D. I told her to wait until everything is settled (ie, papers signed) before going any further. All this while she has not tell me anything, but knowing her for more than 10 years, I know something has began.

Anyway, too late to look back. She is my best buddy, I know it's not right to be in between a couple, but what is done has been done. My advise to her is that the guy will not divorce. Being in a marrige there are lots and lots of factors to be considered. It is definitely not just 2 people's problem, it is a family issue. Not to say, just walk out of a marriage.

I have been there, done that. I was so so in love with LOL, and still I am stuck here. Why? Because marriage is a responsibility bound by 2 people. And the family comes with the package. I am not saying there is no way out, but it is not easy.

I don't know how much D loves Gina, but from what she told me, I don't think it is that deep. I told Gina straight that he is making her a mistress. She cannot go on like that without a name. They go out as friends. He flirts in front of her, but when other guys talk to her, he gets angry. What on earth is this?

I told her I was in this dilemma 3 years ago, just that we exchanged position. I was the one who was married wanting to divorce. LOL told me to clear and settle everything before starting the relationship with him. He doesn't want to be named a love snatcher, which I totally understand. As in his situation / position, he is worth much more than this. It is all up to me, my life is in my own hands.

I come from a very decent family. All these years, my life, my family has been nice. Everything has been so smooth. No divorce, no fights, no nothing. I love my life. We, among cousins are so obedient, we have not done anything out of expectation. That was one of the reason I didn't choose to divorce. If I really did, not only will I be questioned, but my parents will be pressured as well. I hate to put my family into a difficult situation.

What is there in love? What is love? Can anyone really tell? Is it definable? Some people meet their first love, marry them and he will be the only love in her life. Others, go around sleeping with guys wanting love every night. Some married, but go out to find more love. There are people who doesn't mind sharing love with others.

Why are they so many kind of people on earth? And who is right? Who is wrong?

1 comment:

uno said...

There are many definitions for love..
What u have for LOL is love, What u have for your parents is also love, That is why u did not want thm to hurt them by divorcing..
What u have to your kid is also
U become "evil" when you give more priority to one of these and in turn betray all others..
I really agree with u. marriage is not b/w two ppl, but b/w two families

Everyone in the world are right as well as wrong... there is no absolute right

btw in which part of the world do u live??..just being curious