Monday, May 22, 2006

I Need Therapy

I want to have sex. I really do. If you asked me when was the last time I had sex, I cannot answer you because I cannot even recall. I was trying so hard yesterday to think when was the last, but I still cant remember. It was just too long ago.

Do you think I am psychotic? I have a man sleeping next to me every night but I cannot get myself to even touch him. Deep in me, I need him. But somehow, there is a tiny bit in my head that pulled me away. I truly believe I am psycho.

I think I need some kind of therapy or something, which Lynn agrees to. She also thinks that I am crazy to live without sex for this long. Wow, according to Charlotte in Sex and the City, I am re-virginated.

Is it because of that small little words that LOL said? "How can you make love out of obligation? That's so sad." But am I having sex out of obligation? Or is this purely a necessity in life? Well, there are so many men & women out there having one night stands. They don't even know who the hell they slept with after they wake up. They simply needed to be fulfilled.

To come to think of it, maybe having sex with someone you don't know, makes it better, at least you know it's not an obligation.

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