Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Sadness Continues

Just the other, Gina told me she was feeling really down. Does this happen to everyone? Do you out there feel depress once in a while? I do, and I totally understand how Gina felt.

This depressing feeling haunted me for the past 3 years or more. But somehow I have gotten over it. Well, not really, but at least I managed to collect myself and put the pieces of me together again. At one point, I thought I lost myself. Those big pieces were still there, but those small tiny once were blown away, flew together with the wind.

Sometimes I really dont want to say all these, making this blog a depressing one. I cant help it, since young, I loved writing. Whenever I am sad or depress or have thoughts, I will pen it down on paper. Well, knowing the growing technologies, I am typing instead.

Going back to the point, I am trying my very best to stay happy. I have put myself in Mr.'s shoes. I definitely had. I know he is a great guy. Am I asking for too much? I really dont know. I always have this feeling in me, which made me think that I deserve someone better, much better. Someone like LOL.

I still miss him so much. I miss his kisses, miss his touch, miss his hugs, miss his voice, miss his breathe. Will I ever see him again? If I do, what should I do? How should I react? I really want to know how he is now, but I'm too afraid to find out if he is married. I know I sound really selfish, but seriously, I'm not. And I wish I was, then I would have let everything else go, and be with LOL...

1 comment:

My Rantings said...

I think you should forget about LOL and move on with your life. Learn to appreciate what's in front of you, instead of wishing for something that you'll never know if you'll ever get. Don't deprive your husband and son of your love which they rightfully deserve. Life is too short. Don't create something that you'll regret later in life.