Friday, April 02, 2010

Knowing Too Much...

I always asked myself, if one day I found out a friend's husband having an affair, should or shouldnt I tell? Well, a couple staying together, sharing the same bed, if I tell, at the end, I'll be the bad one.

First case...JEE
After the first separation 3 years ago, Jee made another wrong move... I thought everything was fine with them, after going on a great trip together, after lots of things. However, mid of last year, it all came back to square one. Klo suddenly msn me telling me that Jee is mad again. She wants a separation and wants to end things with Klo. He told me that it's very difficult to have to go through what happened 3 years ago. I felt for him. I know what he meant and I know it's really bad. He is an egoist, for him to talk to me about these - he is hurt, very.

So things went the way she wanted. They arent divorced, but they sleep in separate houses, see each other for the sake of the kids. I can feel that Klo is giving up. He no more says "my wife". He doesnt give much face to her anymore. There were no physical closeness there. Soon, I found out the Klo has another woman. Well, who wouldnt fall for him? Rich, and he is a nice guy.

I knew there is a woman and yet I kept to myself. I did not tell anyone at all. I pretended I dont know. Is that the right way? Well, for any other circumstances, I would walk up to the man and talk to him. But for this case, I thought it was quite unfair to Klo. He loved her very much, I can tell. But now, things have gone the other way, and she was most to be blamed. I would love to see them together again.

Then beginning of this year, she told me that she suspected Klo of having an affair. All I did was to deny. I said no. She said it might be the previous girl. I told her no. Well, that I can be really sure, cause I have met his girl before. I felt so bad after that. I should have told her, but I didnt. I just didnt want things to get worse.

And we found out another friend having an affair. She asked me, "you think we are very bad that we dont tell her about this? we're good friends." Wow, the question directly aimed at me. I felt bad and the more she treats me good, the worse I felt. I always tell mr. that I want to keep myself away from this. I dont want to know anything about the girl or about them. Yes, mr. has stopped talking bout them to me, but somehow, informations just came shooting into me. Is silence really golden? Or should I just walk up and talk to him?

Case # 2 Shanti
This is a bigger case. They always say girls have sixth sense. I dont know bout others, but I do!!! I have longed suspected that Jone has an affair with Rine. And after that I was told that they do. What the F? She is almost older than him a decade. Anyway, last year also, Shanti came to me to complain about Jone, saying he spent too much time drinking and I agree to that.

And one fine day, both of them came to my house and they argued... Shanti found out that Jone had an affair. Oh dear, they argued and all... but she is still with him. She told me that they were planning for another baby.

I was really scratching my head. They just had a major argument and now she is telling me she wants a baby? First of all, fuck it. If I found out that mr. has an affair, too bad. I may or may not forgive him, but that has to depend on the next few months or maybe few years later. Whatever it is, dont even try to think about touching me again. But how can she still sleep with him and think of having another kid?

The biggest reason is that, she cannot live without him - literally. She will loose her spending power, her darn expensive bags, the luxuries of having a maid or even living in a dam big house. She dont want to risk any of her luxuries. Is this good or bad?

I know the girl. Should I or shouldnt I?

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