Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Am Sad

I dont like the fact that Jee is getting closer to Lynn. Why is it that she is starting a business with her without my knowledge. I know Lynn will not do anything behind my back, or hide anything. Why is Jee doing this? This is bad. I introduced Lynn to her and she is taking all my friends away. She is getting closer to all of my friends. Why is this so?

The other day I did something she did to me. I asked her via sms why did she start something with my friend without telling me. And I know she knows I dont like it. Well, we shall see how.

And the fact that she tells everyone how bad Klo is, is making me feel even worse. She is the one who is flirting around and making Klo do things that he did and now she is blaming him for all the consequences.

I dont know why I have such feelings but I just cant help it. Well, maybe I'm feeling insecure. I should trust Lynn... What beats a 14-year friendship?

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