Friday, February 28, 2014

Out of 5

I read an article on "5 signs he is falling in love with you"

Hmmm, out of the 5, I think Zdor has 4.

1) Once in a while he would text me. He would send me pictures of himself. He would tell me what he was doing, ie drinking, eating...

2) Well, he doesn't call me much, but he does.

3) This one, I dont know.

4) He did asked me whether the things he bought was nice, and he asked me to choose one of the shoe choices.

5) He does tell me his problems. But mostly about his girlfriend.

Here it is...

Men aren't always the best at expressing our emotions. It's not that we can'ttalk about our feelings—we just don't even stop to think about them very often. Emotion, especially the lovey-dovey stuff, is kind of like elevator music to us. It plays softly in the back of our heads, but most of the time, we're barely listening.
That's why I sympathize with any woman trying to figure out how a guy really feels. Most of the time, the guy probably doesn't even know. Sure, he was just in the emotional elevator this morning, but he was too busy checking his phone for Twitter updates to notice what was coming out of the speakers.
But ladies, there is hope. Because even if your guy doesn't immediately tell you how much he adores you, he's probably giving off signs that he's falling for you. Here's what to look out for:
He Sends Stupid Text Messages
The more banal the message, the more love-drunk he is. For instance, if he texts to tell you he's drinking a margarita or that he just saw a cat that looks like yours, he's been struck by Cupid's bow. What he's really saying is, "I remember you said you like margaritas," and "I don't even mind that your cat hates men." He's also saying, "Right now I wish you, and your evil cat, and I were all drinking margaritas together."
He Calls You—Ever
There are three reasons men pick up the phone: (a) for work, (b) for emergencies, or (c) to hear someone's voice. And if you're not a co-worker or a 911 operator, then it's your voice that he's interested in. That's a true sign of lurve.
He Stops Getting Quite so Many Texts From Others
Girls only text guys that text them back, right? So if she stops texting, it means he did, too. Or it means he put his foot down. I once had a girl who kept texting me silly stuff late at night after I'd already started developing feelings for another girl. So I told Ms. Texty to stop. Hey—that's not an easy thing to do! You have to be pretty sure you want out of the dating pool before you drain it entirely.
He Asks for Style Advice
"What should I write in my brother's birthday card?" "Do these shoes look OK with these pants?" "What color sweater should I buy for my dog?" These are all questions guys only ask if they are drunk on love hormones.
You Hear His Buddies Giving Him a Hard Time
Nobody knows your guy better than his friends. So listen up: If they say something about how he's been a turd of a wingman lately, or if they ask him whether he's misplaced his testicles, they're not just being vulgar. They're actually making astute observations about subtle behavioral changes that you may not have picked up on. So thank those knuckleheads because now you know your guy's putty in your hands.


It's happening again. 

There are so many coincidents between me n Zdor. I think I have mentioned before...

And the most recent one was just now. It started yesterday, as I was writing the blog on the world of my own (on him), suddenly he whatsapp me. It was so out of the blue. We were talking for the past 1 or 2 weeks and suddenly when I was thinking bout him, he whatsapp me. Funny.

This morning I skyped him, asking him some stuff. The last message to him was at 1253pm. He didnt reply me. So I didnt message him anymore. Just now I continued the blog post. My skype starting blinking on me. I opened it, it was him. What are the odds? Same time?

What can I say...

Friday, February 21, 2014


The other day, I was thinking about Ed, and I remember having diaries before, so I went to look for them. And I found 2 (year 1992 and 1993), that's really a long time.

I spent an hour or more reading both. It was funny what I wrote and how I thought before. It's really nice to have written all these. So much memories... In there, I was writing about Yen and Y, both guys I liked that time. Some on Ed.

And then I thought, Ed really has taken part of my heart. Even Jim, Carl or any other guys have not had so much place in my heart. The people who made so much out of my heart, are Ed and LOL. Well, Mr, I don't know as I know he is always there for me.

I always thought I can't let my kids go out and all. But after reading those, I found out I have been going out at 15. Oh dear.

The Time

It's that time again, when you listen not to the music, but every word in the lyrics. A feeling when you want to be alone, be away from everyone. Just the song, the wine and you ... all alone. But there is no such thing anymore. No one will leave you alone. Or should I say, I can't leave them alone. My 2 precious, My Life...

I have the urge to drive out to get a pack of cigg. I don't smoke... just felt like taking a puff.

I have not been thinking of LOL anymore. No fantasies, no imaginations... I would still check his FB, his wife's and his bro's too... Nothing much. Just an updated profile picture on his wife's FB. His elder is really pretty. He is getting fatter, and that only means my pillow is growing... A pillow that I will never hold, that I can never lie on anymore. Oh what the hell.... I said I will not think, will not fantasize anymore.

Ok skip it.

I would want to go out for a drink. A real time with my friends... but Gina decided to ditch me, and stay home instead. I don't blame her. It's just that I need that "time".


As we get older we tend to have less friends. Why, why is it that people can't just have a genuine heart towards you anymore? Does it has to be for some kind of benefit in everything? I don't care whether one is rich or poor, pretty or not, I still be friends with them.

Friends are friends. No money issues, no politic issues...

Until now, I still don't understand why Lynn can't just leave Jee... Just because she is rich?

Anyway, thank god I still have Gina. My longest friend who loves me as much as I love her. Who care less bout monetary, and what so ever.