Friday, January 13, 2006

Who Cares?

What is wrong with ladies nowadays? Is it their problem or am I the extinct species? I have girlfriends who get so jealous over their boyfriends having a girl friend. They are so possesive and there fight over little things. Is that the way it should be? Am I being an asshole for saying this? For me, I have not been like that towards Mr. In fact, whatever he does or wherever he goes, I allow. I don't mind if he goes to the night clubs, pubs or wherever.

Is this trust or zero-love relationship? If the person is LOL, will I be possesive too? Is it bacause I don't love Mr. anymore, that I don't care where he goes or what he does?


Eternity said...

i think a small degree of jealousy is healthy for a relationship. but that's just me. :)

uno said...

Ya do'nt mind abt Mr. going out because,
1. Ya do not care abt him
2. Secretly ya don't mind even if he gets hooked up with someother girl.

With LOL, ya will have to ask yourself..
Were ya jealous when LOL talked to girls when ya were having a relationship???
If yes, then ya would still be
If No, Ya won't be...

The news didn't appear in newspapers coz it was not a civilian airplane with passengers but a military trainer plane...
It was there in the local newspapers and channels....

By the way I work for a software company in Bangalore, India..

Never asked, But "Where do ya work??"
let me know If ya don't mind...