Monday, February 20, 2006

A Night Out

Last weekend Gina came up and we met up with some guys from college. We reached there early and while waiting we talked bout our college days, which I cannot really recall what happened. Anyway, when the guys arrived, we did lots of catching up. There was this guy which was not from our college, just a guy (allan) which Cho & I tried to hook Gina up with.

When he first came in, he was looking at me, in fact he looked at me most of the time. Well, I told you before that I still find people checking me out. I guessed he must be thinking how come I an married.

Anyway, we went on with our dinner, and then went to a club next to the restaurant. We had 2 bottles with compliments of Cho & Allan. I can't seem to drink too much though. Does it mean that I am old for this? Or is it the whiskey that is making me sick? After I gave birth, I think I can't really drink whiskey, brandy is alright.

There in the club, I was thinking of LOL again. I was looking all around to see if I can see his face. Obviously chances were slim as he never go to these places.

A lot of times, while dancing I caught Cho looking at me. Does he really has feelings for me? Or am I being too sensitive here? For years that we have known each other, I have this feeling that he likes me, but he just didn't tell. Maybe he knows that I was with Mr. and didn't to do anything silly.

Do you think a married mother should still go out? Still go out and enjoy herself until late at night? Is there a problem doing so? Aren't we married woman human? We need a break at times too. So what is wrong with going out, as long you know what is right to be done. I am an adult, I am married with a beautiful boy. Do you think I would do anything to ruin my life? I will never do anything that would hurt my boy.

That is why, I told myself, if one day I were to be divorced, I will not get married. I am too afraid that the new other half will do something bad to my son. If he cannot accept my son, he don't deserve me.


uno said...

As long as u are sure about what u are doing, there is no problem in going out or partying... But be careful abt alcohol... It can land u into places where u never thought u would be..

Just when u are not sure abt what u are gonna do, Just think about your kid, then your mind will automatically take the right decision..

wife said...

of course, i have my son in my mind 24/7. that's why there is nothing wrong that i can do.

i am sober as i should, always.