Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Loving Niece

i am sad. nothing to do with Mr. nor LOL this time.

i have an uncle (my mum's brother). he gambled and lost a hell lot of money. my mum and all aunties have helped him in all sorts of ways and finally the debt was settled. he lost his job and his family. everything was fine until yesterday.

out of the blue he called me. after 5 minutes of normal conversation, he finally asked if i have money to lend him. oh dear. i still remember when i was much younger, he always played with us and loved us a lot. he is the youngest sibling in the family so everyone loves him a lot. especially mum.

it hurts me so much to hear that. i know that he couldnt find money anywhere else. i was disappointed and he told me not to tell mum or dad. he doesnt want them to worry. i promised him cause i really dont want him to trouble mum anymore. mum worries a lot.

i met him and gave him the money. standing in front of him, i couldnt help but cried. i was sad and disappointed. i told him that this is my hard earned money and please dont used it to gamble. he said he doesnt gamble anymore.

i left and really hope he doesnt gamble anymore.

1 comment:

uno said...

dont know if u are reading my mails..
dont worry u did the right thing