Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Magic

I always say, one word to explain my relationship with LOL - MAGICAL. Why? It is funny how one person know so much about you when you hadn't spend much time with him. He knows what I want, what I liked, well, sort of.

For instance, years ago..... he called me saying that he went shopping and saw something that I like. How can he be so sure when I have only known him for 2 months? I kept on asking what, and he kept on saying it's a surprised. When he gave it to me, I was on 7th heaven. It sure was something I liked. It was 2 pieces of thai silk cloth. Wow, I quickly called Chyee, as I thought she might have told him, but she assured me NO.

Another one, we went to Coffee Bean after one year of not meeting. He asked what I want. I said anything, as I was a little nervous. Meeting him after one year was like those puppy love we had in school days. Anyway, he went in to order and brought out a cup of fragrant chamomile. Yes indeed it was my favourite tea. Why?? Is this coincident or really magic? Why would he buy me a cup of hot tea on a hot sunny afternoon instead of a cold ice blended mocha?

Somemore instances. After having worked for 3 years, I thought I might as well buy something a little expensive as a gift for myself. To be frank, I have not spent so much on something or matter of fact, anything before. Anyway, I went through a lot of watches. They were second hand rolex. I laid my eyes on one. It was nice but the price was a little high. After much consideration, I told them I needed more time to think. Before I left they showed me the certificate for the watch. I opened it to find the date of issued - 17 november (LOL's birthday). Without much hesitation, I bought the watch.

I still remembered there was once, I went to pick him up from Phileo Promenade after his CA lecture (he is a part time lecturer - cause he is too smart, am I exeggerating? no, he really is smart). Anyway, after lunch I sent him back to collect his car. Before he got down, I asked whether I can hug him. He grabbed me and gave me a hug and the radio started to play "Eternity - Robbie Williams" that very second. Is this another coincident?

More and more and more things happened. Why is this so? Are these tell tale signs? Am I seeing too much? Should I be thinking so much of all these? What does all these things mean? Being with LOL, has really made me felt important. Being appreciated at least. Once in a while, he would see something and buy them for me. It's not so much of the price or gift... it's the thought that counts. Whether it is an expensive diamond or a cheap stone. They are all priceless when it comes from the heart.

I told Gina why I loved LOL so much. In my whole life, I have not fall in love with someone at first sight. All my relationships before was the guy who made the first moves. I don't love them, it's just the time and persuants that made me be with them. Well, LOL did made the first move, but the feeling was diffenrent. After meeting him for 2 weeks only did he call. I was waiting and longing for his call. I never had that before. That was why I grew to love him more.

Oh god, catching back all these memories really made me high and low...

1 comment:

Eternity said...

maybe this "magical" thing between you and him is chemistry...some people just have that and everything falls into place.