Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Love of My Life

I hadn't time to write much about him. It's always sad to write bout him, not to say he brings sad memories to me, but it's that everytime I write about him, my heart breaks and I'll shed tears for not being with the love of my life.

I still remember clearly how we met. I followed Chyee to Melaka. She has to meet with one of our clients then. Well, actually Chyee told me earlier that she wanted me to meet LOL. I was quite excited, although then I was dating Mr. We went in one car and when we reached Mahkota Parade, she called LOL's brother. They were late. So we went up to the food court to wait for them. When he came in, I was like, "This is my man" He's so tall and looked so polite. I know he thought the same too.

I was really disappointed when we left without exchanging numbers. I came home and first thing I called Lynn. She always thought I deserved someone better. She never liked me being with Mr. Lynn & Chyee think I'm pretty. And they don't understand why am I going out with someone with such a common face and short. Chyee told me she was shock when she first met Mr. She thought my boyfriend would look like hunk...

After 2 weeks, Chyee called, she said "Hey the other day Howe called. He asked for your number. I gave him and he asked whether you are dating or not. I said I don't know, we are not that close." Well I was glad, and from that day on, I was waiting and longing for his call.

And on the 15 December 2000 1954hours, my phone rang and there here was. "Hi, I'm Howe's brother." And we chatted for the next 4 hours. Nothing much, just exchanging information. After we exchanged our good byes I called Chyee and Lynn. They were happy for me.

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